Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Good Morning!!!

I’ll be shocked if most of them aren’t sitting on the bottom with flooded compartments.  When I was on my last boat, we pulled into South Korea and we got a chance to tour a captured nork mini-sub. 

What a piece of shit.   

The welds looked like they were made by someone that had never welded.  This is a picture of a crappy weld that looks good in comparison:

No shit, I saw worse welds on the boat I toured.  I can weld better and have never been taught to weld.

Basically, one compartment of death.  If any of the welds or anything else fails, your dead.  You’re taking yourself out to sea in your coffin for an unmarked grave.  Their boats are fucking disasters.

The tour that I took was in one of South Korea’s Docking Halls (think a boat ramp up to an enclosed building).  With what I know now, if the POS was waterborne, I wouldn’t step foot on it.  They’re such a POS, I don’t think you could sell it for scrap and make any money, at least in the U.S.

In summary, nork’s boats suck.  They’re shoddy death traps that make fish go deaf.  But What the fuck, they’re good enough for the norks (and will kill many norks, which is good).

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